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The MSCC 2021 Book of Contributions and Abstracts includes reviewed 1-page abstracts (for oral and poster presentations) and 3-page extended contributions (for invited lectures).

You can download MSCC 2021 Book of Contributions and Abstracts template here: Abstract template 

Abstracts will be publieshed in the Acta Mineralogica-Petrographica Abstract Series.

Previous Joint MSCC+CEMC Acta Mineralogica-Petrographica Abstract Series from 2012




Abstracts formatting and referencing instructions (Guide download)


The conference abstracts will be published electronically in the 11th volume of the journal “Acta Mineralogica-Petrographica, Abstract Series”. The volume will contain one abstract per A4 page, but three pages are provided for invited lectures. The abstract should be typed using the attached template. Tables or figures should be set within the template frame. Only good quality drawings and photos are accepted, coloured figures are allowed. Size of text, symbols or labels within figures should be at least 1.5 mm in the final form. Abstracts that are too long will be shortened by the editors.

Abstracts prepared according to the template are accepted only.

Font type: Times New Roman.

Title: 12 pt., bold capital letters, left aligned. Leave one blank line after the title.

Author(s): 10 pt. font size; family name with capital letters, after a comma give the initial(s) of the other name(s) only. Each author’s name should be followed by his/her affiliation and address in parentheses. If two or more consecutive authors have the same affiliation, it should be given only once after the name of the last author of the same institution. Underline the name of the communicating author and give his/her e-mail address below the author’s block. Leave one blank line after.

Text (10 pt. font size) should be single spaced and justified. Indent each paragraph by 5 mm. Leave one blank line before subtitles (if any), but do not leave blank lines after subtitles. Subtitles should be indented and printed in bold.

References should be cited in the body of the text using Harvard style in-text citation as follows: one author: (PUTNIS, 1992), two authors: (TARAN & LANGER, 2000), more than two authors: (OLYSYCH et al., 2008). Manuscripts cannot be referenced.



References (10 pt. font size) should be given in the alphabetical order of the first authors’ names, using the format as follows:


  • For books: Author(s) (year): Title. Publisher, city/cities. Example:

PUTNIS, A. (1992): Introduction to mineral sciences. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge.

  • For book chapters: Author(s) (year): In: Editor(s): Book title. Publisher, city/cities, pages. Example:

OLYSYCH, L. V., PEKOV, I. V. & AGAKHANOV, A. A. (2008): In: Krivovichev, S. V. (Ed.): Minerals as advanced materials I. Springer, Berlin-Heidelberg, 91–94.

  • For journal papers: Author(s) (year): Full name of the journal, volume: pages. Example:

TARAN, M. N. & LANGER, K. (2000): European Journal of Mineralogy, 12: 7–15.

  • Electronic sources should include the URL of the web site at which they may be found along with the date of latest access.


Please use the downloadable template to prepare the abstract. Abstract files should be named after the first author’s last name (e.g., kovacs.docx). Only doc, docx and odt formats are accepted. The abstracts should be sent to Béla Fehér editor (


Abstract submission deadline: April 1, 2021.